Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Chinese officials have admitted deceiving the public over another highlight of the Olympic opening ceremony: the picture-perfect schoolgirl who sang as the Chinese flag entered the stadium was performing to another girl's voice.

The girl in the red dress with the pigtails, called Lin Miaoke, 9, and from a Beijing primary school, has become a national sensation since Friday night, giving interviews to all the most popular newspapers.

But the show's musical designer felt forced to set the record straight. He gave an interview to Beijing radio saying the real singer was a seven-year-old girl who had won a gruelling competition to perform the anthem, a patriotic song called "Hymn to the Motherland".

At the last moment a member of the Chinese politburo who was watching a rehearsal pronounced that the winner, a girl called Yang Peiyi, might have a perfect voice but was unsuited to the lead role because of her buck teeth.

So, on the night, while a pre-recording of Yang Peiyi singing was played, Lin Miaoke, who has already featured in television advertisements, was seen but not heard.

"This was a last-minute question, a choice we had to make," the ceremony's musical designer, Chen Qigang, said. "Our rehearsals had already been vetted several times - they were all very strict. When we had the dress rehearsals, there were spectators from various divisions, including above all a member of the politburo who gave us his verdict: we had to make the swap."


Fraud. I overlooked the pyrotechnics incident for I thought the British press were just being jealous about China (Ask the German national football team for reference. British football pundits call them has-been, boring, and all other negative adjectives conveniently forgetting that recenty Germany either finish second or third in tournaments it qualifies) but this singer switching scandal is too much. Boooooo! Fake! Fake! Fake! They thought the Olympics is some luncheon meat they can counterfeit with.

I knew then the girl was lip syncing but I reckon it was her own voice. However it is not the lip syncing that disgust me (Britney Spears and Madonna do it - weak singers) but the flimsy reason of "buck teeth" which caused Yang Peiyi's removal. They should've done that at the audition - with a billion people can't they find a cute and talented young girl? The officials should be fired for being lazy.


A British boxer accused Olympic judges of favoring his Chinese opponent Tuesday, a few hours after the Ukrainian team lost its protest of a decision in its fighter's loss to another Chinese boxer.British bantamweight Joe Murray left the ring incensed after his 17-7 opening-round loss to China's Gu Yu. Murray beat Gu at the world championships in Chicago last fall, but fell behind early and never caught up at Workers' Gymnasium "I thought it should have been a lot closer after the first round," said Murray, who trailed 4-0 after the first two minutes.

"I think the score was bad. I think they were giving him a score for anything, and I had to work to get all of my points. I knew going in that the only way I could win this fight is don't let him hit me."

British coach Terry Edwards echoed his fighter's complaints, calling the scores "absolutely stupid."

"The judges took it away from him," Edwards said of the early rounds, when the score deficit forced Murray to change his style. "I'm not saying he won, but when you're chasing the bout, you do things you're not comfortable with. ... I'm not grouching here. We lost fair and square, but you saw it for yourselves."

AIBA spokesman Richard Baker confirmed the Ukrainian team filed a protest over lightweight Oleksandr Klyuchko's 10-8 loss to Hu Qing on Monday night. The protest was reviewed and denied, Baker said.

"I thought the Chinese opponent was not very good," said Klyuchko, who beat Hu 26-13 at last year's world championships. "I'm very sad. I thought I would be the winner. I already beat him once before."


This is bad. There are 11 gold medals at stake in this sport.

Tonight Harry Tanamor fights at 8:15 pm. I'm prepared whatever the results.

1 comment:

  1. nahisa ko sa imo makalantaw ka da ya Olympics wala ko di TV huhuhu na-inspire ako sa isa mo ka blog about the Olympics...check out my recent posts! Thanks!


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