Thursday, August 28, 2008


In this ongoing raging debate around sports websites between the Dream Team versus the Redeem Team, I pick the Dream Team.

Why? First, David Robinson, Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing would totally dominate the paint against Dwight Howard and might even put the young guy in foul trouble. Plus, Karl Malone would bully any Redeem Team forward down there (body wise he would be too much for Chris Bosh). The overpowering physical presence the Redeem Team enjoy over International teams won't work here.

Next, Chris Mullin, Larry Bird, and John Stockton would shoot the lights out at three. Coach Chuck Daly would simply employ the zone (assuming its FIBA rules) and watch the Redeem Team throw bricks all over the place (like what they did against Spain effectively allowing the Europeans to come back) - to think FIBA three according to a balding (there are many of them) expert is a "joke of a three point line". The Dream Team shot better in 1992 from the three - 40%.

The deciding factor Micheal Jordan - 1992 - he was on his prime. He was unstoppable - I bet not even Kobe could defend him besides Scottie Pippen would clamp the LA star on defense.

Besides, the Dream team could actually shoot the ball anywhere and when you have John Stockton as point guard even the pressure defense put by Redeem Team guards won't work on him...Its a hands down win by the Dream Team. Defense? John Stockton is the all-time steals leader in the NBA so defense/offense, he is a huge asset.

When push comes to shove, Michael Jordan is more than capable of carrying his team the entire fourth quarter like what he did against the Phoenix Suns in '93 Final. No TEAM has ever stopped Michael Jordan in his prime. The bigger the risk the better MJ plays - and that's a well-known fact.

Well, this is my humble opinion and in no way meant to disrespect the Redeem Team. However, discussing the Dream Team versus the Redeem Team is a fun exercise, at least for sports fan like me.

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