Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Asian Guy Gets The White Girl

Asian Man White WomanAsian Guys do get the Girls

When Asian guy gets the white girl, you know how some people react? I'm not in the business of putting myself and my kind down nor would I resort to willful manipulation of data to prove a point. But I can tell you frankly my readers Asian Guys do get the girls - and I don't mean just any bar girl, or mail order ones but real successful women. When Asian Guys get the girl esp. white one, racists' react. In fact, only one Australian network (SBS) bothered to name the guy - Albert Tse - while others focused on the Prime Minister and his daughter Jessica since they resent the relationship. Nice one but it won't stay hidden for long. They look pathetic doing that.

Asian Guy White GirlAl Gore's daughter

Asian men don't just get any white girl down the street. They get the ones with class. The idea that Asian guys can't get white girls is as real as Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Romance is a personal choice and not a way to promote one's supposed superiority. Asian guys do get the girls - if they want to.

I really don't understand the hysteria over
white girls. I can't comprehend the question why can't Asian guys get white girls? Why is this question so prominent? Is this the only way to measure minority men's masculinity (in the US)? What if white women don't appeal to Asian men? Does it make us less of a man? There is nothing special about white women. Frankly speaking even some white men in Asia tend to make fun of them.

Some White Men in Asia stereotype White females as fat. They call them fat in their blogs or wherever they privately congregate. Don't believe me? Google it! Frankly speaking, it is such an unfortunate stereotype.

Though, the quality of Asian Male - White Female relationship is better than White Men - Asian Female according to this poster:

In my opinion, AM/WF relationships seem to be much more normal, healthy and balanced than WM/AF relationships. The latter almost always includes an insecure, self-hating AF, that puts down AM and glorifies WM, while the WM is almost always a geeky fetishist. Sorry, but this is just what I've noticed over the years. In all the WF/AM relationships I've ever seen, I've never seen anything like that. The people in these relationships tend to be equals in terms of attractiveness, education, income level, goals, etc and complement each other very well. None of the white women I know that date or are married to asian men have any preoccupation with race, or some weird expectations as to what dating an asian man "means" or any stereotypes about them.


Quality beats Quantity anytime in my book. I think it is AM-WF is a relationship of equals not on some fetish.

THE REAL QUESTION should be is why Asian guys don't date Hispanic women more? I think they are hotter per capita than white women. You need proof? They dominate international beauty contests REGULARLY. If you don't understand the beauty of a Latina, it's your loss. No offense meant to white women reading this just my personal preference. If some feelings were hurt (I refer to the women), I apologize so you'll know this is not a white guy writing this. There are so many choices why limit it on one race.

Asian Man White Woman
AM - Asian Men
AF - Asian Female
WM - White Men
WF - White Female

Images(in order):

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