Friday, May 1, 2009

Pacquiao vs Hatton Second Fight Update: Team Hatton Full of Brats

Pacquiao vs Hatton Second Fight Update: Boxingconfidential writer Michael Marley was banned by immature and childish members of Team Hatton today. The American writer was refused press credential from Ricky's camp approved by the Golden Boy himself. Talk about childish. It seems someone in Team Hatton's camp is still mad at Marley for his wisecracks against the Englishman. The article with sub-headline "No BEARD all moustache" probably nailed it. Michael Marley just wanted to put some guy in Team Hatton's camp in his proper place but it seems he took it personally. Poor sport. There are many English writers spewing trash on Manny with some article bordering on racism (typical) but none were refused press crediential.

Pacfans are childish? Nah Team Hatton is full of BRATS.

In another news, Dave Batista (WWE) wrestler will carry one of Pacquiao's belts.

Note to British Press: No Pacquiao's dad didn't eat his dog. Check your sources first nitwits. They didn't even ask Manny about it. It was Times Online who bothered to check the details and refuted the malicious rumor against Manny perpetuated by lazy British reporters.

About De La Hoya still dishing out that Manny should've knock him out cold. Manny Pacquiao would've done that but OSCAR QUIT. Quitter. But it goes in the records as TKO victory for Manny. For Oscar, it means Technical KNOCK OUT.


  1. It just goes to show that a nice and humle guy can be a legend in this brutal sport.Never will you hear Pacman boast or trash talk a fighter. He will just say "it's up to GOD" Amd to Hatton, Floyd sr. And the brits..You should lear your lesson, you should be humble and not engage in racist trash talk, very embarassing for all of you indeed. It this what your fighter has to offer pacman after all your talk?? how pathetic. Let me remind you that ther is a GOD who rewards those who trust him..I wonder what happened to the best trainer of the year award of floyd sr. now you now hahahahaha!!!

  2. The Pacman doesn't talk too much..He just let his fist do the talking..and to the Hatton camp, what do you have to say now aside from you childish blame tossing? This is what you get for being soooo arogant! serves you right hahaha.. Such sweet revenge.


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